Wednesday, April 24, 2019

"The sun, too, shines into cesspools and is not polluted." - Diogenes

I have no idea what that quote ^ means but it sounds profound so I'm going with it. 

Someone on Facebook (where I snagged this) pointed out that she will if you're doing it wrong. But I think not. The sheer shock of the situation will knock her into numbness. 

One of my weekly tasks is to write the discussion question that are used by UFC's small groups. Those questions are based on Brett's sermon. In the questions I sent out Monday morning I made mention of the fact we live in a post-Christian culture. I included a link to the Wikipedia article for "postChristianity" and suggested they read just the short summary paragraph at the top of the article. I had one of the guys read it at our group Monday night and it seemed to be news to them. But they're all young enough to have only lived in this age and never experienced a time when we were "Christian." 
Harry, one of the leaders, sent this article to me today. A good read, and brief. 

Ashley is Brett's daughter. She and her husband Kirk  and their two adorable kids are moving to Edmunds, WA where my folks used to live, so Kirk can oversee the Campus Life ministry at Jr. and Sr. Hi schools on the north end. Ashley has headed up UFC's children's ministries since the church was started almost 11 years ago. She's really good at that. 
At today's staff meeting we gave her a sendoff that included good food and a game that amazed me. 

The men sat on one side, the women on the other and we handed Aly's iPhone back and forth. A word came up on the phone's screen, the person whose turn it was drew with their finger on the screen, and it was projected on the wall via Apple Play. I think it was a digital version of Pictionary. 
So, for example, I got the word president, one of five words for my turn (two minutes to do all five). I drew a stovepipe hat and then a head with a bad combover. Brett said "president" and I touched the "Got It" button on the screen. Then the next word showed up ("raft"). 
There were colors at the bottom of the screen we could use for drawing and the scores were automatically updated on a scoreboard also projected. 
Ain't technology grand?
Well, except for the part where the women won by two words. 

I'm close to being caught up on chores. This afternoon I did more spraying and worked on the berry vines & the rhubarb. I also painted some window trim. The big project on the horizon is the goat barn which needs a serious cleaning. The remaining tasks are relatively short and easy. 

In my class Sunday we're doing an overview of the book of Daniel, including its historical and geographical context. That's a fun book with a whole lot of important content.
Sunday night I'll speak at the prison in Salem. I'm preaching on the Latin word credo, which is the verb "I believe." 
What do you believe and can you articulate it? What are your nonnegotiables re. your faith? 
You gotta know what you believe and why or you're a sitting duck for the Accuser. 
I've got lots of prep to do between now and Sunday morning. 

So I better get some rest!

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