Thursday, April 25, 2019

"Instant gratification takes too long." - Carrie Fisher

Re. last night's blog "title," the quote from Diogenes - what is a cesspool? If you look it up you'll see that it's something akin to a septic tank, just above ground. (YUCK) But if you look up the word cess you'll read that in Scotland and India it's another word for tax, or assessment (hence, cess).
The stuff in a septic tank isn't septic and the yuck in a cesspool isn't cess.
Words are crazy.

On the drive into church this morning I saw a panhandler sitting cross-legged at the curb holding a cardboard sign that said, "Tic season is here. Politics. Have you been vaccinated."
He needs to reconsider his marketing strategy.

Electric starters began appearing in cars in 1912. Before that all cars started via a crank inserted into a hole in the front of the engine, usually through a hole in the front grill. (Note: that's a silly thing to say because there's no rear grill.) Cadillac was the first to get an electric starter and it was several years before all cars had that feature. Yet even long after that point most cars had the hole in the grill for the now unnecessary crank. (insert MIL joke here) That's a 1930 Ford in the pic and you can see the hole (with a cover on it) at the bottom of the grill.
I think a contemporary parallel might be the roof rack. They're almost ubiquitous on SUV's and lots of minivans but they're decoration. They almost always have just the front-to-back rails with no cross members, so any load would sit directly on the vehicle's roof. NOT a good idea given how thin that metal is. You'll sometimes see a Thule clamshell case on top of a car (they must have cross rails to support it) but that's rare. And usually not such a good idea. I read a report on the mpg drop you get when you have anything on top of a vehicle and I was surprised how dramatic it was. (A trailer of the same volume is much more energy efficient.)
There. That made your day worthwhile, didn't it!
Does your vehicle have a roof "rack." If it does, are there cross members? Or is it decorative?

Buddy is sick. He has some kind of stomach bug that has given him a serious case of the runs. We have either laminate or vinyl everywhere in MoHo except for our bedroom.
The gal at the feed store said to give him the same thing we'd take so he's had some Pepto Bismol tablets. It's called that because it's basically bismuth, an element found on the Table of Periodic Elements, a metal that has the effect of killing all living organisms in the gut. It doesn't distinguish between the good and bad organisms, but at some point - and we're there - the key is to kill whatever is causing this problem. Then we'll mix some yogurt with probiotics into his food to restart the good bacteria.
Hopefully by tomorrow morning...

Four more days and I get the staples out! I will be very happy when that happens.

The AZ Cardinals pick Kyler Murray as the #1 pick in the draft. Could this mark a return to the Cards being competitive in their division??

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