Thursday, June 6, 2019

"Nobody in football should be called a genius. A genius is a guy like Norman Einstein." - Joe Theisman

My 8 a.m. meeting re. Continuing Ed went well. The "academic" year (Sept. to May) was blocked out in coordination with the Women's Bible Study which will meet on the same night. They'll also do modules and our start/stop dates will match so it's easy for women to move back and forth if they want.
Men, not so much.

This afternoon I worked on Sally, doing more prep for paint. The driver's side rear quarter doesn't have any bondo except for the back 24" so in front of that I just scuffed the existing paint to get good adhesion. That saved a lot of time and I got it done all the way to the rear edge of the door.

When you think of the sovereignty of God in your life does your mind go primarily to his control when things go "wrong"? As in, "I don't like this but God is sovereign and good so I accept it as his perfect will."
Or do you think first of his sovereign grace in bestowing blessings and providing protection?

90% of all the grass seed sold In. The. World. comes from the south end of the Willamette Valley. That's our county and the one just north of us.
We also sell a lot of weed.
Oh, and they've revised the over-production numbers. Now they say that if Oregon stopped all marijuana production tomorrow it would take six years to consume it all.
They're going to have to do it without my help.

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