Wednesday, September 25, 2019

"Teeth are always in style" - unknown

We're in Seaside, OR until tomorrow morning. It's an interesting little coastal/tourist town on the NW coast of Oregon and was the terminus for Lewis & Clark's expedition. There's a 1.5 mile paved walk between the beach and super-expensive and often really cool looking beach houses. I walk it as fast as I can a couple of times a day. I'd rather run it but my hips think that's a bad idea.

It occurred to me on my 7 a.m. out-and-back that I was walking alongside the Pacific Ocean wearing a sweatshirt that says "Long Island, NY" along the Atlantic Ocean.

This may be THE coolest site I've stumbled across in months!
We ate lunch at a joint on the waterfront in Astoria that looked out over the Columbia River and the huge freighters anchored there waiting for their load and next leg of their never-ending journey. On the table was a card that said, "Curious about the ships?" and then gave the web address for this site.
We spent the next hour exploring the site on my cell phone. Fascinating!
(I zoomed out and west, and then zoomed in to see the ship anchored right out from the restaurant, then looked at others either anchored on the river or traveling up and down the Columbia River. Click on a ship to get a crazy amount of info.)

The Portuguese word for seafood is fruta do mar. (Mar is the Latin word for sea.)

I followed the Watergate hearings closely, watching them on TV whenever my college class schedule allowed. I am a news junky.
I'm so weary of the current political snark that I'm almost ignoring the whole mess. Ain't nobody's hands clean. But that's because they're too busy slinging mud instead of doing the people's business.

We'll get home tomorrow a little after noon. Pam will go pick up Buddy and I'll catch up on chores, then head in to teach my class. That's a tighter turn-around than I like but I'll rehearse my content on the 3-hour drive home. (Pam will fall asleep before we've gone two miles and sleep for the duration. It's what she does.)

OK, I'm going to take another walk in an effort to burn off some of the huge tuna melt sandwich I had for lunch. It was either that or the bowl of clam chowder that has me feeling like Jaba the Hut. Then dinner at a Mexican dive everyone told us is not to be missed.
Yes, I'll be hitting the gym hard Friday and every day thereafter!

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