Thursday, March 17, 2016

"If it was raining soup the Irish would go out with forks." - Brendan Behan

Things my parents told me, pt. 1

Some people see my last name and ask if I'm Irish. My standard response: "Do I look drunk?"
(A little Scot vs. Irish humor)

Quoting theologians - real or pretend - in a sermon is a questionable tactic. It seems to me the motivation for doing so is to boost the preacher's credibility on a position he suspects may not be accepted otherwise. But you can easily find a "theologian" on any side of any issue. It also comes across something like name dropping and pulling rank. "So-and-so, a distinguished biblical scholar says that...."
Never mind that fact that our source of authority is supposed to be Scripture.
Yeah, I much prefer Billy Graham's well-used line, "The Bible says...." (And then he quoted Holy Writ.)

Sometimes I find the comments as interesting as the post itself, whether an article (Jalopnik), blog post, or Facebook blurb. I read one this morning in response to a post about Bernie's democratic socialism - a term I still don't understand.
This person wrote: "What bothers me is not unequal income but unequal effort."
I accept the former as an expected and proper dynamic of free enterprise. I'm fine with my cardiologist making more than the person who puts my burger on a tray at Carl's Jr.
I accept the latter as an inevitable result of human nature. Some people are just always gonna be slackers. Deal with it.

I started hanging drywall today and was reminded what it's like to work in an old structure. Nothing is square, plumb, or level. There are some places that are going to take more than the normal amount of mud. And molding.

Today Pam bought me the adapter that will allow me to plug things into the outlets they have in Tanzania. Turns out the voltage is 220 and the prongs are all different. But the same as the design in Great Britain.

We have our quarterly conference call with our financial advisor tomorrow morning and I have some research to do before then. So this short blog will have to do. Besides, I haven't got anything else to say.

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