Wednesday, March 9, 2016

My wife accused me of being immature. I told her to get out of my fort.

We caught the TV coverage this morning of the arrival of Nancy Reagan's casket at the Reagan Library. I've always been impressed with the pomp and dignity of military funeral services. I did two or three graveside services at the national cemetery outside of Riverside, CA that included military honors. Impossible not to be moved and feel a sense of national pride.

Not only is the President skipping Nancy Reagan's funeral, he's missing it to attend SXSW.
Tacky, IMO.

Dos Equis announced that the most interesting man in the world is retiring. I expect my phone to ring at any time.

It rains a lot in Oregon.
Todd called and we agreed today's rain wasn't conducive to ditch digging so we'll try again tomorrow afternoon.

They're calling for 100+ mph winds just offshore late tonight. The weather guy said he's never seen a forecast with warnings as dire as this one. By the time it gets to us 50 miles inland they're supposed to have dropped to 20 mph or so.

I sent our tax stuff off to the CPA back in Phoenix who's done our taxes for the last 9 years. I hate numbers and the IRS gets kind of picky about filing an accurate return. They're anal like that.
But this is the last year we'll pay someone to do that paperwork! The feds don't tax Social Security income and neither does Oregon. In fact, the IRS doesn't require that most people with only SS income file at all.
This may be the biggest benefit to retirement.

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