Thursday, August 24, 2017

"I think gay marriage is something that should be between a man and a woman." - Arnold Schwarzenegger

I finished at the rental today, unless I missed something or they call me back to do more.
Because today's work took a bit longer than I expected I didn't get a run in. I typically run short on Thursday, take Friday off, and bump up my distance for Saturday's run. I'll do that short run first thing tomorrow and hope it doesn't mess up Saturday's bump, which will be up to 6 miles from last week's 5.

Tomorrow I'll also do the rear brakes on the Kia and then start on the expansion of the fenced garden area - the one we don't use anymore - so it can be a weaning pen. At three months (one month from now) I have to separate AJ and Burrito from their mamma, Sundae. Marta has said we should not plan on a lot of sleep the first couple of nights as everybody's gonna be unhappy. And that they can hear each other only makes it worse. They'll have to be apart for about two months for Sundae to dry up and the kids to lose the urge to nurse. Once she's dry we can breed Sundae again. That will probably be early next year, with kids born five months later. Stella will be old enough to breed in March. So if all goes well we should have four kids born next year, though it's not uncommon for a first time mom (Stella) to have only one kid.

I've made a new friend at the coffee shop, a guy about my age named Larry who grew up here. Others seem to know him so maybe I just haven't been paying attention, or perhaps he's just started coming in and they know him from the community.
Larry apparently asked Bob, one of the other regulars, who that guy was who sits over in the corner with a laptop in front of him. Bob told him I was writing, that I'd written a book (months ago Bob asked for a copy, I gave him one, and he read it straight through) and that I'm working on a "sequel." That led Larry to approach me with questions. I told him he could find the book online (albeit there illegally) and he's been reading it. That's led to a couple of enjoyable conversations.

Larry was raised a Catholic and is old enough to remember that church pre-Vatican II (Latin mass and other significant differences from current practice). He now defines himself as "catholic with a small c," which I take to mean he doesn't feel tightly connected to the church. He's talked to me about the historic corruption in the RC church that continues (in his mind) today, and that their focus is on maintaining power.

He asked if, when he's finished with the book, he can talk to me about it. Sure, so long as it's not arguing. I explained that I wrote the book to help people understand their Bible better and did NOT want its content or it's author to be the cause of conflict. We've got too much of that already.

I like Larry, who seems like a genuinely nice guy and someone who can discuss truth, including different views on what that truth is, objectively and graciously. He has a better than average understanding of the Bible and of Catholic dogma. So I'm curious to see where this leads.
Fun stuff.

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