Friday, August 25, 2017

People say I'm condescending. (That means I talk down to people.)

This is me. When I would go to someone's house for a visit I'd arrive 15 min. early 
and park around the corner. I can't STAND to be late.

I was outside at 6:30 to feed and water the animals and was working on the Kia's rear brakes by 7:00. I expected it to be a piece of cake, having done the fronts a week ago, but Kia (Hyundai) felt the need to change the design for the rears so the learning curve started all over.
Those rotors were too far gone to turn, so add the $160 for a new pair. But a brake shop would have done the same thing, plus a mark-up, so I still saved money.

The kids are 8 weeks old today so they got their first vaccine (I give a booster in 4 weeks) and a weigh-in. AJ comes in at 41 lbs. and Burrito at 35. That's about 8 lbs more than Asante and Itzhak weighed at that age, but they were bottle babies and had non-stop scours. Marta says these weights are normal, and maybe a bit above for AJ.
I feel MUCH better about every part of this.

Itzhak is two weeks away from his date with destiny. We need to get a chest freezer.

Every Honda and Accura built between 1999 and 2004 equipped with a nav system had its clock fail on Aug. 16, which was the 40th anniversary of Elvis Presley's death.
Just sayin'.

The Black Student Assembly at USC is objecting to the school's mascot, the horse the Trojan rides around the field, because it's a racist symbol. The horse's name is Traveler.
Gen. Robert E Lee's horse was named Traveller (note the different spelling).
Silly season.

My training schedule calls for a 6-mile run tomorrow. The weather forecast calls for a high of 92.
I'll be leaving as soon as it's light.

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