Tuesday, September 19, 2017

"Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first." - Mark Twain

I ran in a light rain today and got wet. I've got a lightweight jacket something like a windbreaker designed for cycling that I used when I was doing a lot of biking. It is water proof but still breathes.
After a mile or so I almost forgot about the rain on my head.
Tomorrow's forecast calls for thunderstorms and I'm supposed to do 9 miles. Hmmm.

The temps in the mid-50's and rain makes me feel like curling up under my chair blanket with a cup of hot coffee and my new (Kindle) book.
We resist turning on the furnace (to save money) and it isn't cold enough inside to build a fire, so sweatshirts and blankets do the trick.

I ditched the two pages I'd written and started this chapter over from scratch. I think it's better but won't know for sure until I get further along.

Here's a screen grab from Google Maps, satellite view (same as Google earth) of our 3 acre lot when we purchased it, with labels to ID key elements.
The road over to the right (east) is Baker Rd. The trailer (MoHo) is mostly in the shadows, but it's what has the white roof. The cabin (Fred) is the dark roof just in from the private road, which is our southern property line.

Here's the same pic from a screen grab I took yesterday showing what things look like with the diseased trees we had removed a year ago:
I didn't bother labeling things already noted in the first pic. It's pretty obvious where the dying trees were, eh? On the plus side we now get a lot of sun in that area, which is why we moved the vegetable garden to that area. Pam says it looks like a tennis court, but it's really four raised beds. I'll add another 3-4 for next year.
Just to the east of the garden and up the slope is the goat barn. The fence line is visible on three sides because I stacked the split wood from the felled trees they didn't take off to the mill.
Just south of the label is the chicken coop with the pen attached to its south side.
The brown areas on either side of the path are where I planted the fruit trees, six on the south side and three to the north. There's two shades of brown because I got some free wood chips from a lumber company (the dark) and put down straw from my weekly barn mucking on the rest (the light). Because that's what I'm doing with that "used" straw that light area is expanding. It keeps weeds down, and next spring I'll sow wildflower seeds all through it. Should be pretty.
Note that MoHo is no longer in the shade to the west. So it gets the full sun on a summer afternoon, meaning it gets pretty warm in here. Late afternoons often got up into the 90's inside.

The weaning pen and shed I'm putting in are due north of MoHo almost up against the northern property line. But it doesn't show because the trees are thick enough up there, and the cleared area small enough that it's not visible to the satellite.

Lots of changes at Baker Rd., lots of work to get it to this point and keep it up. But that's fine; I enjoy the work.

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