Wednesday, September 20, 2017

"To begin, begin." - William Wordsworth

I know I've said this before, maybe recently. I'm exhausted!
The schedule called for nine miles today but when I left I just wasn't feelin' it and decided I'd turn right at Sutter and do eight. Or maybe I'd turn around at Faulhaber and call it good at six.
About two miles out my Calvinist roots took hold and I determined I needed to do the full nine.
"OK, but you can slow down, jog it at a 12-minute pace and have something left over at the end."
Nope. Got back and it was exactly 11 minutes per mile and exactly the time I had for that route last Saturday.
I got home drenched and with nothing left over.

A week ago I made cardamom toast and thought it turned out well and tasted good. Then I had a conversation with my mother who said that what Pam made and sent to them a month ago tasted like she didn't add the cardamom. I told Pam that and we decided it's because the cardamom we have is powder from a small jar she got at the supermarket a long time ago. So Tuesday when we were in town we went to a gourmet grocery store and got some fresh cardamom pods. So tomorrow morning when I make another batch I'll break open enough pods to get 12 seeds (what the recipe calls for), grind them using our mortar and pestle, and add them to the dough - which is more like a paste. We're betting that makes a big difference, and if it does I'll make more to take up to the folks when we go next month.

I'm doing a brake job Friday morning on our pastor's Expedition.
No pressure.
It's also the day I have to give AJ and Burrito their vaccine booster shots. And I need to trim Stella's hooves, a task I should have done a month ago.
Tomorrow we're going over to Marta's to meet Dolly, the month-old doeling we're getting once she's weaned. Dolly will be our third (and final) breeding doe but it will be 16 months before she can be bred.

I'm Facebook friends with one of the gals in our church small group and in a couple of recent posts she's talked about "self care." When I read that this morning I wondered if it was more than just something she says, so I Googled it.
Yep, self care is a thing. It even has a Wikipedia page.
You go to a dr. for medical care that takes care of your body. Self care is something(s) you do for yourself to take care of your emotional and mental state.
Get a pedicure, go to the gym, take time to read a book.... Self care is something you have to take responsibility to do for yourself.

Learning all of that made me think of another term that (thankfully) seems to have passed out of fashion.
I  knew a gal who often talked about "this season of my life." That usually came up when she was explaining why she couldn't do what you'd asked her to. As in, "That just doesn't work in this season of my life."
That was a thing, too. I heard others talk about the season of their life, but not necessarily like she did.

I guess this is the season of self care?

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