Friday, September 22, 2017

"Heifer cow is better than none, but this is no time for puns." - Groucho Marx

This morning's brake job on the pastor's car went smoothly. Got all four corners done, including new rotors, in three hours. Not bad for driveway work. Aside from a couple of stubborn bolts it went without a hitch. He drove it afterward and it *may* need to have the brake lines bled, but the wobble is gone (warped rotor) and there isn't any noise.
An added plus: I thoroughly enjoyed the rambling conversation. (Pastors can be weird to talk with.)
T'ank you, Fadder.

AJ and Burrito are 12 weeks old today. I was supposed to give them their vaccine booster shots today and forgot, so I'll do it tomorrow. No problem. But I'll do it before my 10-mile run, 'cause afterward I won't feel like moving.
I originally planned on doing the half marathon in Florence, on the coast 60 minutes due west of us, this Sunday. But that business with my foot meant a three week interruption in my training. So I'm planning on the same distance at an event the last Saturday in October in Grants Pass, two hours south of us. I'm now ahead of schedule and don't need to be doing 10 mile runs this far ahead of the event, but I'd much rather be over prepared.

Last night's post made mention of my trip to Puerto Rico to teach. I've been particularly attentive to the effects of Hurricane Maria on the island because I now know many people there, including ministry colleagues both in the church in Ponce and at the camp on the beach just to the east.
They got their first report today and it sounds like a lot of damage was done to buildings at the camp but it's not currently flooded.
I really enjoyed the Puerto Ricans. I found them to be gracious, cheerful, and genuine. It's too bad they've been ripped off by politicians who have more skill at making promises than in running a government.

This showed up in my Facebook feed as a memory from five years ago. That was a good lookin' car. If it didn't have that funky aluminum air cooled tranny I might still be driving it. That plate now hangs over the doors to Barnette along with plates from other cool cars I've had through the years.

That's all I've got. I worked at tasks all day, first the morning's brake job and this afternoon a 3-mile run and work on the weaning pen. My brain didn't have time for anything except what was right in front of me.
Except for one thing...
The people are the best part.

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