Saturday, September 23, 2017

"Bricks may make a house, but the laughter of children makes a home." - Irish Proverb

Redneck Fire Alarm

I'm about halfway through "Unorthodox; the Scandalous Rejection of My Hassidic Roots" by Deborah Feldman. It's a nonfiction account of her life and and departure from the ultra-orthodox Satmar sect of Hassidic Judaism. I'm enjoying the learning experience but it's driving me crazy. I SO want to talk to her about the freedom and joy of a relationship with God through Christ.
It's written in the first person and in the present tense. So the chapter that describes her life as a young child is written as though she's currently living it, but the same thing happens when she writes about her high school years.
I've done considerable reading over the years regarding Orthodox Judaism, but it's still hard to believe that people willingly live like that, and worse, think it pleases God. Females can't be educated beyond H.S., and even that is in a girls school run by the sect that gives them almost no instruction in what we'd consider a standard curriculum, just how a good Jewish woman and wife should behave, what prayers should be said when, what foods to fix on what holy days.... And then an arranged marriage with the expectation that they will provide sons.

The fence around the weaning pen is done. I'll keep an eye on it though once AJ and Burrito go in next Friday. Because I enlarged what was a garden area and because I'm cheap I tacked the fencing to trees where that was possible and used metal T-posts in between. I couldn't stretch the fencing like I normally would and they may be able to push against it enough to break it loose. That would be a real problem 'cause I can't catch a goat intent on escape.

AJ and Burrito also got their vaccine booster shots today. I put their head through my legs and pinch their necks with my calves so I can give them the shot. AJ is a little bigger and a lot stronger and nearly dropped me on my arse as I was injecting him. This particular shot doesn't hurt beyond the initial prick from the needle, so it's just a matter of AJ not liking the restraint.

The plan was to leave about 10 a.m. for my run - today's schedule called for 10 miles - but my body could NOT be talked into it.
I ended up leaving an hour after lunch and did the full 10 miles, but it didn't go well. That happens; sometimes any particular distance goes well or is difficult. Today was the latter. Hopefully the next time I do this distance (Wednesday) it will be easier.

This is our pastor, Brett. He's a hunter and last year I guess he did pretty well.
After doing the brakes on his Expedition he sent me home with some steaks from that beast and we had one of them for dinner tonight.
Pam's comment: "Maybe you need to take up hunting."
Very good!

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