Wednesday, September 6, 2017

"It's now possible for a flight attendant to get a pilot pregnant." - Richard J. Ferris

Things you can't unsee.

Items of absolutely no import:

For the first time in decades all four women into the semi-finals (U.S.Open) are Americans. Who am I supposed to root for??

I did the same 7 mile run today that I did last Saturday, but at a pace 20 seconds per mile faster. No wonder I'm exhausted. I'm paying more attention to my hydration and I think it makes a difference, but I still lost 3 lbs. on the run.

That run may also explain why, when we went out for pizza tonight, I ate twice as much as I usually do. We normally bring home 3 pieces that I have for lunch the next day. Tonight we brought home none.

Pam leaves tomorrow morning for a week in AZ with the kids and grandkids. I'll stay home and do chores and hope to check off a lot of to-do list items, both inside and outside. Maybe the biggest item on the list is getting Itzhak into the freezer.

I'm preaching Sunday at the Oregon State Prison, filling in for our pastor who is on vacation. I did this a few months ago. Went into it with some anxiety but in the end decided it was an enjoyable experience, the guys are a responsive group, and they're not nearly as intimidating as I'd feared.

Very early this morning I got to thinking about our friends from the time we spent pastoring in Prunedale, CA. Several of us were about the same age, early in our chosen professions, and starting our families. Forty years later we're still good friends, stay in touch, and see each other whenever it's possible. I'm thankful for the relationship we still have with them.
What struck me in the wee hours of this morning is that now, as we're all in retirement, Pam and I are living at (maybe a bit below) the economic level we were at back then. Our friends are each doing well financially, having succeeded in their professions, and now able to do things like travel to far off places.
That's fine; we're happy here on Baker Rd. and feel nothing negative over their relative prosperity. We enjoy reports of their travel, the more so because they each remain as gracious and unassuming as they were then. It just struck me how the course of life can vary dramatically within a group of friends and they can still stay tight.
That's a very good thing. It makes me happy.

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