Thursday, September 7, 2017

"Search others for their virtue, and yourself for your vices." - R. Buckminster Fuller

Life in the woods.
I got an email this morning from Dish saying we've exceeded our plan's internet data limit and our speed would be slowed until our plan resets for the next 30-day period on the 16th.
I don't notice any slowing, which is an accurate indicator of how really bad our normal service is.
We are SO ready for that cell tower to be built so we can tether for internet.

Dropped Pam at the Eugene airport about 8:45 for her flight to AZ to spend a week with the kids and grands. (boo-boo face from the guy who's staying home). Stopped at the feed store on the way home and then had Second B'fast. The first one was at 4 a.m. and I'm still in deficit caloric levels after yesterday's run. Then out to work on the weaning shed.

The weaning shed is done, including water bucket stand and creep feeder. Nothing fancy, but it's a goat house, not cabinet work. AJ and Burrito will move up to it two weeks from now when they're 3 months old, and this will be their home for about two months. I still have to expand the pen to include some of the woods up there so they'll have browse, but that shouldn't take long.
I may put in a window for some light, maybe a used window from the building recycle place mounted high enough that the goats can't reach it (and break it). I don't have any electricity up there so I got a cheap LED battery powered light unit from Harbor Freight that I hope will do the job.

I had a discussion this evening about some relatively finer theological points with a friend I met while in Costa Rica two years ago. Nothing critical hinges on the question we discussed, but I thought it was pretty cool that we could have the conversation in real time, being thousands of miles apart. Never mind that he cares enough about the Bible to start the conversation.
Thank you, Al Gore.

And how cool is this pair of women's semis? Great tennis!

Didn't run today. That will seriously mess with the week's total mileage, but sometimes it's not about the numbers. As obsessive as I can be I do actually listen to my body sometimes.
It's a balance, eh? knowing when to push through and when to take a break. And sometimes either choice can be the wrong one. You just do the best you can on any given day.
There's a sermon illustration in there somewhere.

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