Saturday, September 16, 2017

"More business is lost every year through neglect than through any other cause." - Rose Kennedy

This poster just appeared at our local Carl's Jr. Huh??? It sure looks like pandering to me.

Pam's home!!!

Stella and Itzhak were best buds. With Itzhak gone poor Stella is all out of sorts, made worse by the fact that Sundae harasses her constantly. It's about herd order and there's nothing to do about it except hope at some point they work it out. In the meantime Stella does her best to stay out of butting range. She's quick enough to outrun Sundae, which is a good thing considering how often she gets chased.
When AJ and Burrito go up to the weaning pen it will be just the two of them. Should be interesting.

That paragraph was written on Thursday evening. It's now Saturday evening, I am exhausted, but I'm also committed to finishing this post.

I've spent most of my time working on the weaning pen (Telos) because AJ and Burrito go up there in two weeks. That area was garden for the previous owner and had an 8' fence to keep deer out that was two stacked 4' sections. I'm taking the top section off and using it to enlarge the pen to include some of the woodsy area that's just beyond on the east side. Slow and tedious work, but it's coming along.

This morning I did a 9 mile run, the longest I've done going back decades. I feel more spent than I did last week after its 8 mile run. I didn't walk any of it and finished with almost exactly an 11-minute pace (I consider anything sub-12 something of a victory for this old man), but I'm disappointed with my fatigue. I suppose I should expect that running for over an hour and a half would do this.
The half marathon is Oct. 27, so I'm ahead of schedule for my long runs, but I've been slacking on total weekly mileage. I do long runs on Wed. and Sat., and shorter runs the other days (Sundays off), but I've slipped into the habit of skipping one or two of the shorter days because I get wrapped up in my projects. So I've determined that beginning this week and until the race I will NOT skip any days unless I have a physical problem. This coming week that will mean running in the rain, but that, too, is good for me. If it rains on 10/27 I don't want it to be my first experience at that. How should I dress? Will rain on my glasses drive me crazy?

My lab results came in the mail today. Because of my medical history I took particular interest in my cholesterol numbers. HDL (the good kind) is supposed to be over 40 and mine is 56. LDL (bad) should be under 120 and mine is 65 (disclosure: I take a med because of my history). Total cholesterol should be under 200 and mine is 136.
I'll keep running!

I do NOT expect those who make no profession of faith in Christ to conform to biblical standards of behavior. Accordingly, I'm not at all surprised to see growing secularization in our culture. (Note the difference between secularism and secularization. One's good, the other problematic.) I don't like what I see happening, especially in the areas of sexuality and marriage, but I accept it as an inevitable reality that, while it weakens our society, can't be reversed.

What drives me bonkers is the in-your-face push of those who identify as LBGTQetc. They insist that their sexuality is none of my business and I should extend "normal" status to them whatever their preferences.
OK, fine. I'll let you be if You. Let. Me. Be. If it's no big deal that you have a same sex partner then STOP making it a big deal. If you want me to treat you like I'd treat anyone else even though you're transexual, then stop making your gender identity a cause celeb. Just shut up and live your life, however you want to live it, and get out of my face.

And since that's not likely to happen I've been thinking about responding in kind, about starting a campaign championing the cause of what used to be called normal, and now might be OK to call traditional (though even that word maybe viewed as prejudicial).
Those of us who are living life the old fashioned way need to reclaim our place in society instead of the marginalization that now oppresses us!!!

Like all nascent movements we need a slogan, a catchphrase, or a clever name.
Heterosexual And Monogamous. (HAM)
I'm a Hammy.

1 comment:

Sherry said...

Amen! Preach it! I want to reclaim the words "affirming" and "inclusive" and I want the rainbow to be our first reminder of God's promise.

Let's organize a HAM pride parade.