Wednesday, September 13, 2017

"Big words seldom accompany good deeds." - Charlotte Whitten

This will be a short post 'cause I'm pooped and haven't the energy to write much at all.

I started the day at our doctor. Pam and I have the same doctor, a woman we met at the first church we attended when we moved here. We did some babysitting for her and her husband a few times so they could have some adult time together.
We both think she's good, plus, she's nice.

Because that visit included a blood draw for which I had to fast I went from there to Mom's Cafe for breakfast. By 10 a.m. I was HUNGRY, but Mom's Cafe is a good place to solve that problem, especially if you like BACON.

Shortly after I got home I left for my run, which today was the same 8 mile route I did last Saturday, but today I cut 7 minutes off that time. Woot!
I don't know why, but I suspect it's mostly due to the e-Gel energy gel packet I had just before I left. That's one of several brands of gels designed for endurance athletes. I chose e-Gel because it has half the sugar, no caffeine, just electrolytes, sodium, potassium, and a bunch of complex carbohydrates.
Note: I don't understand all of that. I just know that at some point my body needs an energy supply or I start to feel cruddy and weak. I felt much better today, especially the last 2 miles which is all uphill.

What didn't feel good was the tumble I took at about the 5 mile mark. My left foot hit the slope at the edge of a freshly repaved road, my ankle turned, and I went down. Skinned my right shoulder and twisted my ankle, but I knew the worst move was to stop for too long and have my ankle stiffen. So I walked it off and then ran home.
At this point, eight hours later, my foot and ankle are stiff, but I'm sure there's no injury so I'm hoping to do one of my short runs tomorrow. I'll take Friday off and then do 9 miles Saturday.

I'm reading Briarpatch by Ross Thomas. I'd never heard of him and don't remember how I learned of his novels (crime mysteries) but so far I like this one. Thomas was the John Grisham of a few years ago, died young, but still turned out a slew of novels, many of which won prestigious awards. I'll probably read more of them.

The best part of today (!!!): it's the last day Pam's gone. Her plane lands at 10 a.m. tomorrow.

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