Tuesday, September 12, 2017

"Television is a medium because anything well done is rare." - Fred Allen

Strip Teas

If this wasn't in NY I'd be seriously tempted. The "magic tailgate" is worth the price all by itself.

And station wagons are climbing rapidly in collectability and price. People of an age to consider an older vehicle typically want what they remember from their youth, and station wagons fit that bill for the current group over 50.
The scary thing: 20 years from now mini-vans are going to be hot.

I did some work on the chicken pen this morning, stretching and tacking down a tarp over the top. It rains so much during the winter that last year the ground in the pen turned into a mud pit any pig would lust after. The tarp, if it stays in place, will prevent that this winter.
I didn't know there was a hornets' nest under the eaves of the coop. Turns out they don't take kindly to someone driving nails 4' from their home.
In my face. Ouch!

I wanted to get that tarp up now because it's supposed to start raining Sunday and continue through next week. That will be welcome relief from a hot, dry summer.

When Pam leaves me (she's in AZ visiting the kids for a week) I usually do some deep cleaning. This afternoon on the floor in the pantry, where we keep the kitchen trash I found a piece of paper on which I'd written my lineage. It goes:
Craig, the son of
Norman, the son of
Norman, who migrated to the pacific northwest from Nova Scotia, the son of
Donald, the son of
Ronald, the son of
John the miller, who migrated to Nova Scotia from Scotland, the son of
Red Ronald, the son of
John the Miller.

Note that I am a direct descendant of Ronald MacDonald, which explains a lot.

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