Saturday, September 30, 2017

"You know it's summer in Ireland when the rain gets warmer." - Hal Roach

I had no idea.

I didn't run today. Spent much of the night awake with a very sore throat and decided to take a break until Monday when I plan to re-enter the schedule where I left off. I hope to be done with this bug by then. I'm glad I'm ahead of where I need to be at this point because it makes taking a break not just possible, but perhaps helpful both mentally and physically.

We have three very unhappy goats. Sundae, the momma, has an udder so swollen with milk that it hurts to look at. (It's bigger now than it appears in this video.)
The boys up in the weaning pen are so hoarse from crying that they mostly just whimper in response to mom's bellowing. Burrito comes to me for comfort (scratches) but AJ wants nothing to do with me. He's beside himself.
This too shall pass. Hopefully by tomorrow.

I put the first two coats of spar varnish on the new cabinet face for the shower trailer. I should have gotten three on, but it's been raining and cool all day so the coats take a lot longer to dry. I've never had success at getting a nice smooth coat using a brush, but it's all I can do here.
I like the smell of varnish. It's a smell with good mental associations.

How can someone be so successful in business and entertainment, build a multi-million dollar real estate empire, and yet be SO clueless on matters of interpersonal and public relations?
With as much time as he spends with his foot in his mouth it's a wonder he carries any extra weight.
I wonder if after yet another self destructive tweet he has regrets or if he says to himself, "Yeah, I got her good with that one."
He's setting the standard by which all other fools and bumblers will be measured.

Re. Puerto Rico and the mayor of San Juan...
Sometimes when things go terribly wrong it's nobody's fault. It just happens that way.

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