Monday, October 2, 2017

"How can I know what I think till I see what I say?" - E.M. Forster

Friend Sue sent me this pic because she knows how I feel about flossing. 

Momma and her two boys are still very unhappy and letting us know about that. Sundae spends almost all day atop one of the stumps looking up at the weaning pen and calling to her kids. The boys, AJ especially, do a lot of wailing that is the most pitiful thing I've heard in a long time.
If any of them catch a glimpse of me it sets them off big time. I don't know if that's because they hold me accountable, know that I could fix it, or just see me as god of the goats and the proper recipient of their plaints.

I finished the new cover for the shower trailer today and will take it in tomorrow morning for installation. I don't like building off site because I can't take measurements as I work, checking to make sure it will all fit.

After a four day layoff because of my cold I returned to running today. I would have normally done five miles but cut it back to four as a precaution against too much too soon. As often happens with a layoff my legs felt good and I did the four miles at a 10:15 pace. Oops. Hope that doesn't come back to bite me tomorrow.

I made an apple pie before church yesterday and it turned out much better than the last one. There's something about cool autumn weather that makes baking seem so necessary, and few things feel more appropriate than an apple pie.

GM says they'll move to building all electric cars and leave the internal combustion engine (both gas and diesel) behind.
I'm surprised. There are real questions about the carbon footprint of electric cars because of both the production and disposal of the batteries, the electricity that goes into recharging them (typically from power generated from fossil fuels), and the much shorter lifespan of an electric vehicle.
This old guy wants to wrench (a verb). He wants to do tuneups, do his own oil changes, and put chrome exhaust tips out back.
If GM's announcement is an indication of things to come I have to buy more old cars as fast as I can before they're all gone.

Today's great fun...visitors all the way from Costa Rica. I met Daniel when I was there two years ago to teach and preach. He's a programmer for Intel (they have a large operation there) and first came to Oregon on a business trip about a year ago. He liked it so much he came back for a a sight seeing vacation and brought Mariela with him. (She's also a programmer at Intel. Smart cookies.) They graciously stopped by for a visit and we're very glad they did. Like every Tico we've met they are gracious through and through. Easy guests.
They got a tour of the place with a stop at the weaning pen and the goat barn, as well as the chicken coop and Fred.
Then we came in to MoHo for some sandwiches and apple pie.
They're headed up to the Portland area for another day of sight seeing and then flights home.

It is SO cool to have familia all over the world. To have them stop by Baker Rd. is as good as it gets.

Note: Pam got a haircut today and is NOT happy with the way it turned out. (I agree, but it always grows out, so in another 6-10 months she should be OK.)

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