Tuesday, October 3, 2017

"The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd." - Bertrand Russell

Today while Pam was at our church's women's Bible study I installed the new cover on the shower trailer. Actually, I did that while she was at the study and for an hour after that. Yeah, it didn't go well.
The first version was made of 1/2" OSB and Cover v.2 was made with 3/4" furniture grade plywood. It looks good, IMO, but all of my fasteners from v.1 were too short. It took two trips to the hardware store to deal with that.
And my drill battery died.
And I cut my thumb and bled on everything.

I *think* Sundae's udder is a bit smaller today. She's no less unhappy and spends a lot of the day letting us hear about that. Meanwhile the boys up in the weaning pen are quieting down until they see me. Then they get LOUD.

I've been thinking on and off about this for a long time and still can't decide what I think: (and I'm not sure I can express this well)

When I'm doing Crossfit or running stupid distances my body changes for the better. I lose a few pounds, my pants fit better, and I'm just generally leaner. It's not like I'm fat otherwise, and it's probably more in my head than anything. In fact, that's one of the reasons I exercise; I feel so much better about myself when I don't have to struggle to button my jeans.
I'm not sure feeling good about myself is entirely healthy. I recognize in myself a certain egotism, or hubris that comes from thinking, "I'm lookin' pretty good, at least compared to most people my age. Yeah, I'm proud of what I've done and how I look."

The sin of pride (the pride of life) is a dangerous trap.

I can cite several examples of people I've known who have gone from being overweight to one degree or another to serious fitness and trim. That has been followed by marital infidelity.
It's hard not to connect those two things. That is, they suddenly feel good about themselves and express that newfound self-confidence with a certain boldness with the opposite sex.

Is it the "I'm worth it" syndrome? Or, the "I'm too sexy for my mate." Or just the boldness and increased self esteem to flirt a bit, which then leads to trouble?

I dunno. But I'd rather see fat people than broken marriages. I'd rather be a fat person than do something stupid and destructive to my marriage.

"Above all else, guard your heart,
For everything you do flows from it."
     Prov. 4:23

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