Wednesday, October 4, 2017

"Hope is patience with the lamp lit." - Tertullian

Essential Oils

Our church small group started up again last night after the summer off. One of the gals is HUGE into essential oils, a cultural phenomenon I do not understand. They are clearly not essential 'cause I ain't doin' them and I'm fine.
Last night it was, "Put lavender oil on the bottoms of your daughter's feet and she'll sleep better."
There is nothing there that makes a bit of sense, except the part where the person selling the lavender oil makes a handsome profit.

It got down to 35 here last night, by far the coldest we've seen since last winter. It was a clear night with no clouds to hold the heat in, and that full moon made it so bright that when I got up at my normal stupid early hour I thought the outside security light that's motion activated had come on. That happens frequently, sometimes from deer wandering through and sometimes because of a neighborhood cat.

David, the curmudgeon at the coffee shop, mentioned Monday that his cat had kittens. I told him we'd be interested in one as a barn cat when the time came. Robbie, the owner and an animal lover said, "You can get them fixed."
So I asked David, "What's the best way - broiled or pan fried?"
Robbie was not amused.

Some runs are good because you feel strong and run fast. Others are good because you feel weak, run slow, refuse to surrender and gut it out.
Guess which one of those describes today's.

I've mentioned that I get my hair cut at Clay's, one of two businesses in Elmira. He has one chair, no magazines, charges $7, and spends about 5 minutes on the task.
Alas, he's closed for the week to go hunting and I really needed a haircut. So this morning I drove into town and went to Supercuts.
For over twice the price I got a haircut that took 3x as long AND got my neck wiped with a hot moist towel at the end.
Both the late-20's gals working when I was there had multi-colored hair and more skin with a tattoo than without.
I prefer Clay's.


Ellen said...

Knowing you have never been a cat person, I think that getting two of the kittens (a boy and a girl, and getting them both fixed) would be good because then they have each other for company and can sleep with each other when it gets cold. We have had a lot of cats over the years, and we've had many pairs that did well together. Besides, with them being outside, the cats will come and go (sometimes due to predators) more often than you might think. But I hope not. Also be prepared for fleas, even if they stay outside. Fleas are no fun. Well, whether one or two, see if you can find a discount spay and neuter clinic in your area.

Craig MacDonald said...

Thanks, Ellen. You're right, and I can't believe I might become a cat "owner." (Does anyone own a cat, or do they own you?)
I've learned that there was a cat hoarding situation here, some people came together and gathered them up (feral), and are in the process of getting them "fixed" and then adopted out. So I've sent a message to the gal who is heading that up. We'll see what comes of it.
And I'll report in my blog :)