Saturday, October 14, 2017

"I haven't spoken to my wife in years. I didn't want to interrupt her." - Rodney Dangerfield

We left Seattle at 5 a.m. and pulled in our driveway at 11 a.m. We sailed through Seattle and Portland and hit our only congestion between Albany and the Corvallis exit because of folks headed to the Oregon State game early enough for tailgating parties. As soon as we got past that exit the road opened right up.

The BEST part of our summer and fall just came to an end and we're a mix of full hearts and sadness to see the kids and grandkids go home to AZ. Lots of laughter because we get along so easily. Maybe the most striking thing about that is the way Michelle fits right in. When deep love and commitment are unquestioned good natured kidding can proceed. And if there's anything a MacDonald does well it's wield a rapier wit.

In our absence from Baker Rd. Sundae's udder has shrunk dramatically. That means I can begin adding grain and alfalfa back into her diet. In just a couple of months she'll be ready to breed again.

This afternoon included one of those naps where you wake up feeling like it was unconsciousness instead of sleep. Then a 5 mile run at a brisk pace. The race is two weeks from today so the next 10 days are my last push before a few days off so I'm fresh that morning. Ideally I would not have missed runs for 5 of the last six days, but family trumps training.

Now the focus shifts to tomorrow's sermon. Yes, I'm anxious about it and spent most of my run preaching the tricky part in my head. I'm not using my normal propositional form which adds a bit more tension, but mostly the memory of last January's debacle has me ill at ease about this.
But the One in charge is in charge. My job is to be well prepared and fully focused, doing my best. And then leaving outcomes up to Someone else.

Steve just posted these pics on his Facebook page of a special treat Jason and Emily got as they boarded the plane in Portland. Very cool!!

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