Saturday, October 7, 2017

"Of all the home remedies, a good wife is best." - Kin Hubbard

I can't decide if this is genius or lunacy.

Because our kids and grands are arriving tomorrow afternoon, and because I'm wasted after my weekly long(est) run, and because there's a 40% chance of rain, I did my long run (11 miles) today instead of the normal Saturday. Yes, I'm wasted and my left ankle is sore. But the standard training regimen for a distance event is to do no more than 80-90% of the event as your longest training run, so for a half marathon I've now done that.
The event is on Saturday, 10/28, and I won't do anything more than a short jog Monday and Tuesday of that week, taking the rest of the intervening days off so I'm fresh Saturday morning. I did today's run after having done 4 miles at a brisk pace Monday and Tuesday, 9 miles Wednesday, and 4 again yesterday. Then today's 11.
Which is to say I'm feeling confident that I'm well prepared for the event three weeks from tomorrow. The biggest concern is the weather. It starts at 8 a.m., and that means it will be cool. Average rainfall there for October is 2", and November is 5". So which month's rain figure will they get on the 28th?

I wrote the above just before dinner...last night. Then I crashed. This morning my right achilles is still sore (grrr) and I'm wiped out. I had thought about doing an easy 4 miles this morning. Nope.

Kenyon Martin is a Black basketball player who spent most of his career with the NY Knicks. He recently used Twitter to blast Jeremy Linn, a guard for the Nets who's of Chinese descent. Martin wrote that it's bogus for Linn to wear his hair in dreadlocks when he's not Black. As in, he's guilty of posing, of the new sin of cultural appropriation.
Linn responded. He didn't mention Kenyon by name but noticed that Martin has tattoos, including some in Chinese characters.

The kids will arrive mid- to late-afternoon. They get into PDX late morning but plan on taking the kids to a park to run off some steam after a flight and before sitting in a rental car for 2 hours. Before they arrive we've got some last minute chores to do. Pam's got a few things in MoHo and I'll clean barns and the coop so two preschoolers can get a close-up of the critters if they're interested. (They may be too uneasy around the goats.)

I've got to run in to Harbor Freight and the feed store in town because the one in Veneta didn't have any straw when Pam stopped yesterday and I don't think I have enough to replace all I'll take out today.

We'll have goat roast for dinner. Pam's slow cooking one of the hind quarters that she de-boned yesterday.

I need more coffee. And maybe the sugar from cookies Pam baked.

1 comment:

Sheila said...

Ouch! Sounds like you need ice and rest if you’re gonna run that half marathon. Saw your pics of the family just now- love it!