Tuesday, October 10, 2017

"Stress should be a powerful driving force, not an obstacle." - Bob Phillips

We've been busy! Yesterday after breakfast we drove out to the coast (Florence) and then up Hwy 101 to Newport where we spent several hours going through the aquarium there. Very cool place far more than you'd expect at a small coastal town in Oregon. The exhibits are impressive and educational in an almost covert way.

We watched a gal feed a pelican on a small stage and learned about how they migrate, feed, and sometimes get injured and end up living in places like this. We saw sea lions, sea otters, HUGE yellow eels, all kinds of fish swimming over, under, and around us in a glass tunnel we walked through, we got to touch starfish, anemone, and other tidal pool creatures. And we say how they discover and explore shipwrecks.

It was supper time when we got home so after the goats were fed we went over for PIZZA to feed ourselves. This hole-in-the-wall place has, in Steve & Michelle's opinion, some of the best pizza they've ever had.

This morning after breakfast Grandad took Jason and Emily out to see the goats and the chickens one last time and then took a pic of the family sitting on Fred's porch. We have a matching pic of Josh and his family from their visit last year, so this seemed appropriate.

Now they're on the drive up to Seattle.
The kids both have Kindle-like devices that allow them to watch kids' movies with headphones which preserves mom & dad's sanity on a 6+ hour drive.

(Emily didn't have hers set up yet when I took a pic of Miss Cool.) They've got a place waiting for them at a house secured through AirBNB and will spend a few days exploring sites up there. We'll drive up tomorrow to spend a couple of days with them so we can all go see my folks. Four generations together, the first time with this portion of our family. My folks have never seen Jason or Emily.

Saturday we'll drive home and they'll head back to Portland, drop of the rental mini-van, and fly back to Phoenix and home.

Words cannot express the joy we get from being with our kids and grands, all eight of them. I got a special pleasure from watching Jason and Emily experience goats up close, feed the chickens, and run through the woods.

Today is Steve & Michelle's 14th anniversary. It's a blessing to see the family they're building, raising two fun kids in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

T'ank you, Fadder.

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