Tuesday, July 23, 2019

"Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving wordy evidence of the fact." - George Eliot

The whole world is broken. Really bad hair will get you the top job in your nation's government (see: the U.S. and G.B.) despite your clinical lunacy. Iran steals a British ship with no consequences. A fighter jet from Venezuela (they own three) buzzes a U.S. plane in international airspace without consequence. And a Russian fighter (they have more than three) enters the air space of South Korea and gets warning shots.

The kids are four weeks old as of yesterday. In those 28 days Goulash has put on over 16 lbs. and Haggis is up 18 lbs. That is a pretty rapid rate of growth and indicates Dolly is a good momma. It's why the Boer/Nubian mix works for breeding does. You get the bulk of a Boer and the milk production (volume and fat content) of a Nubian. I butcher at 80-90 lbs so Haggis is racing toward his destiny. That rate will slow down, especially when they're weaned, but both are off to a great start.

Three women, two young and one old, were sitting naked in a sauna. Suddenly there's a beeping sound. One of the younger women pressed her forearm and the beeping stopped. The other two women looked at her quizzically. She said, "That was my pager. I have a microchip in my arm." 

A few minutes later there was a ringing sound. The other young woman lifted her palm to her ear and talked into her hand. When she was done she said, "That was my phone. I have a microchip in my hand." 

Feeling a little irrelevant the old woman decided she had to do something, so she got up and went to the bathroom. She came back a few minutes later with a piece of toilet paper hanging from her butt crack. The two young gals stared at her, eyebrows raised. Finally, she said,
"Well, will you look at that. I've got a fax coming in."

I took an hour to put another coat of paint on the hood and front fenders but I think I should have diluted it more. I'll know tomorrow but I think it was too thick to flow as it needed.
My parts arrived this afternoon and they need to be painted so I'll start on those, maybe tomorrow afternoon.

In anticipation of more painting tomorrow I did some general chores this afternoon including a dump run. On the way home I stopped at the (one) Venetta stoplight at Hwy 126 and Territorial. Hwy 126 is the way to get from Eugene out to the coast and it's pretty busy, especially during the summer. Both roads at this intersection have a lane in each direction and a center turn lane with its own signal.
I was stopped at the front of the line of vehicles headed north on Territorial and a moment before my light went green there was a massive crash. A small pickup truck headed easy on Hwy 126 goint to Eugene ran the red light going significantly over the speed limit and hit a car making a left turn on a green arrow. A third car got hit by the spinning car. My light went green a second later so I went through the intersection, pulled over and called 911. The fire dept. was there before I was off the phone.
There was debris everywhere and airbags were deployed so I told the 911 operator I didn't know about injuries but I wouldn't be surprised if there were some. They took my name and number. By the time I was done with the phone call here were lots of people who had pulled over and run to help those involved.
The guy in the truck blew through a red light and did it at a pretty high rate of speed.
About 10 seconds before I drove through that intersection.

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