I don't even remember what got me started down the rabbit hole but while eating b'fast this morning I ended up exploring men's boots. I think it started with doing a Google search for a brand of boots I saw advertised while watching the Tour de France - Tecovas. I learned...
- Cowboy boots are designed for function. Everything from the height of the boot to the height and shape of the heel is specific to that boot's intended purpose. Riding a horse, what kind of riding, all riding or some walking....
- There are cowboy boots and Wellingtons, aka ropers. Ropers don't go as high up the calf and have a lower (1") heel that have a vertical back, not angled like a cowboy boot. They're called Wellingtons because they were first made at the request of the original Duke of Wellington, Lord Wellsey.
- Wellingtons also refers to a barn boot that's typically water...and poop... proof, often made out of rubber or a similar compound.
- A boot jack is a clever device with no moving parts that lets you take off a boot without bending over, or even touching the boot. You can find videos on how they work on You Tube.
Decades ago I owned a pair of cowboy boots. I don't remember how or why I got them, just that they were very comfortable and I wore them until they fell apart. If money weren't an object I'd get another pair, probably ropers. But boy, can you spend a ton of money on them! Expect to drop $200+ on even a basic leather roper. And of course if you want ostrich, or alligator, or lizard or... add $$$ accordingly.
Yesterday afternoon UPS brought Christmas is July. I got two big boxes of parts for Sally including front sheet metal, a front bumper, and some of the fancy little "ornaments" that dress it up - things like the chrome Mustang text and flying horse logo for the front fenders. This afternoon I prepped the hood for repaint but decided not to do the painting because it was already late afternoon and this should not be rushed. Now that everything is prepped I'll start the painting tomorrow afternoon.
I listened to Mueller testimony on the drive in and watched both CNN and Fox coverage this evening. Both networks beat a dead horse for far too long. Mueller didn't say anything near enough of any substance to justify all the noise from both ends of the spectrum.
Yeah, let's move on. The Dem candidates offer much more entertaining action. It's getting near catfight territory.
On the way home I got the oil changed in the truck. I will typically do that myself but I have too many tasks to get done before I leave for Seattle next week and Brazil five days after I get back. Including working on Sally (priorities!). And I had a coupon, so it only cost me $27 and 20 minutes. That counts.
Speaking of timing, I got two eggs yesterday, almost a full month before we expected any. They go from being pullets to hens when they lay their first egg. So we now have two hens and ten pullets. We're curious to see how quickly these 10 join in production.
Hens get different feed than pullets with ingredients required by layers. So they'll move quickly from pullets to hens because I just bought a 50 lb. bag of "grower/starter" feed. Yep. Guaranteed.
I didn't click through. The USAToday headline said the earth is warming faster than it has for 2,000 years. That's probably why we don't read anything about it in the Gospels.
Remember when you had to have a note from your parents if you missed school? Hey, the Seattle school district called your house to make sure your parents knew you weren't in school and to verify it was a legit absence.
At least in Oregon that isn't the case. At some point - I'm guessing H.S. but maybe middle school too - students can just report they're sick and that does it.
But wait! There's more!!
As of the start of the next school year Oregon is the first state to allow students to take "mental health days." A student can say, "I need to take time away from school for mental health reasons." They're allowed up to - get this! - five mental health days every three months. The kid doesn't have to identify the mental health issue and it can be as simple as, "I'm feeling stressed."
According to the local news accounts the coolest part of this new measure is that it comes as a result of student initiative. OR students came up with the idea, pitched it to the state legislatures, and lobbied it through to passage.
Why doesn't that surprise me?
What a totally strange state. The inmates are running the asylum.
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