Sunday, July 28, 2019
"My doctor gave me two weeks to live. I hope they're in August." - Ronnie Shakes
I heard something on NPR this morning when they were talking about the Mueller testimony that made me realize the Russians did not interfere with our elections in 2016. There's now no question that they interfered with the campaigns, but nobody has demonstrated that a single vote was altered by Russian interference.
OK, that may be a distinction without a difference, but the oft-used phrase "election interference" is technically inaccurate.
While we're in the neighborhood, the Dems are, one by one, bailing on their commitment to civility and have begun to take up slings and arrows. Circular firing squad? Remains to be seen, but the entertainment value is beginning to rise.
They showed one of the Tour commentators, a former competitor, riding one of tomorrow's hills, first going down and then climbing the next ascent. He had a helmet cam and they had a display of his specs as he rode. Going down he was doing 47 mph.
On. A. Bike!
I once rode down a hill in CO, hit 35 mph, and was pretty sure I was going to die. A small rock, the tiniest pothole, a stick = instrument of death.
On the climb part of this video he was doing 7 mph up what could have been a vertical wall. The piece of data that amazed me was his pulse - 175 BPM. I had no idea the human heart was capable of beating that fast. Almost three beats per second!
I wonder what it would look like to see his heart next to mine. Huge size difference? Density difference?
These guys are animals.
Next Tuesday I'm going up to see my mom in Seattle. I'm also delivering a 4 month old goat kid that Marta has sold to a gal who lives in Seabeck, east of Bremerton. She'll meet me at the Tacoma Mall right off the I-5 and then I'll drive another hour to where my mom lives.
Where at the mall should we meet? We've settled on the Krispy Kreme shop because it's out in the parking lot and easy to find.
I can not remember the last time I was in a Krispy Kreme. I couldn't remember if they sell more than the standard glazed donut they're famous for so I went to their website.
Oh my.
I may have to allow 90 minutes to get from there to my mom's place.
I have SO much work to get done before I go to Seattle, and then to Brazil five days later. In addition to prep - lots still to do - I need to stock up on hay and feed so Pam doesn't have to worry about that while I'm gone. And schedule our free stove pipe cleaning we got with our purchase last August. And fix one of the barn's inner doors that Stella broke in her determination to get at Dolly's alfalfa.
OK, it's early Sunday morning and the above content is obviously not current. I think I may have started this post Friday, and indication how many tasks have me mentally and physically occupied. But I've got hay and grain supplies stocked up for my absence, the first installment of emails in the Drafts folder, and what I hope is the final layers of paint on Sally.
I've got about three hours before we'll leave for church so I can teach my class and Pam can go on to Starbucks. Before that, morning chores. This afternoon I'll clean the coop and the barn if there's time and energy.
Let's do this!
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