Monday, September 2, 2019

"I installed a skylight in my apartment. The people who live above me are furious." - Steven Wright

I typically take a serious Preacher's Nap on Sunday afternoon, which means I'm up early Monday morning. Today it was 2:30 a.m. and I knew there was no going back to sleep.
The first problem is that I'm ready for breakfast at 4:00, which means it's a really long time until lunch. See: "second bfast."
By 7:30 the blueberry pie was in the oven. It has been months since I baked anything, and close to a year since I made a pie.
Molly (co-worker) and Josh are coming for dinner tomorrow night and this is dessert. Sure hope I haven't lost whatever touch I had.
The menu will include a Mexican goat stew called barria, a fresh salad and corn on the cob from the garden, and this pie with ice cream for dessert. Pam picked the blueberries at Marta's Saturday afternoon and froze all but the 7 cups I used for this pie.
Healthy eating, if fresh and homegrown is the standard. If no refined sugar is a criterion we're doing OK up until dessert.

In the "Too Crazy" department I got contacted today by one of the guys in the Eastport NY church where I did a month-long interim gig 18 months ago. He's involved with a ministry that works with churches in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. That ministry includes arranging online courses for pastors in those countries because they don't have access to Bible colleges or seminaries. They've facilitated online course work with a seminary here in the States but also offer individual courses on specific topics. Scott asked if I would be interested & willing to teach a course on dispensationalism.
I'd be in my office at church and use either my phone or laptop (Apple FaceTime) to teach. It would go from here to a guy in NY who would then send it live to students in both of those countries. That guy would also moderate the classes so that if someone had a question he could signal me to stop for that, watch/hear their question, and then respond. So it's live, interactive real time teaching with people in two countries on the other side of the world.
OK, I know that's not cutting edge technology but I never imagined I'd be involved in anything like it. When I taught at the college using a whiteboard instead of chalk on a blackboard was revolutionary.
I'll let you know if/how this plays out.

I've been going back to the gym for about a week after not having been there since early May. First it was the melanoma and the post-op complications, then I decided to train for the half marathon instead of gym work, then painful hips from that training, then Brazil.... So I've lost almost all of my fitness.
They say there are no shortcuts but I think someone needs to look harder.

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