Monday, November 28, 2011

When it rains Chuck Norris doesn't get wet. The rain gets Chuck Norrised.

If soap is what we use to get clean why is it a problem to have soap scum on the shower walls? Isn't the term scum a misnomer here? 'cause I'm thinking if I let it get thick enough I can just rub my wash cloth across it and call it recycling.

I can't tell you the name of the drug but the ads for it on TV show an old guy riding a motorcycle and at the end he says, "I want to die tired."
That's why I think I'll die on a Sunday evening.
On a more serious level I do identify with that line. It's not that I have a bucket list of things I feel driven to get done before I go the way of all flesh, but I like doing new things. And there's no shortage of new things to try, some of which haven't occurred to me yet. I don't object to guys who are perfectly happy to sit with a beverage in front of their TV and watch one ballgame after another. It works for them. But not for me. And what strikes me odd is that the former seems more acceptable than the latter. People ask why I can't just sit still, why I always need to have a project (or three) going. Why not? What's the problem? Nobody is harmed in the making of this movie and I never tackle a project without the sincere approval of my helpmeet.
Which is to say that as long as I've got time to kill before Pat has the body done....

I think what may be the most remarkable thing about Newt Gingrich's re-emergence to #2 in the polls (#1 in some areas) is that he hasn't spent a dime on ads. Nothing on TV, or radio, or print.... His competitors are spending millions and falling further down every week. This may be the sleeper story of the primary season, especially if it continues.

I'm thinking ahead to the time when I register Ilsa, and which day of the week works best for spending at the Motor Vehicle Division. I think she deserves personalized plates, but what should they say? I checked their web site and at this point my two choices are still available:
62 VW
The question is, will people get the second one? What's the point if nobody understands it. Do you? Your vote?
There is another option and it may be preferable. When I bought the car I also got the original AZ license plate that was issued to the vehicle.  The state of AZ allows you to use an old plate if the numbers and letters aren't currently in use. The problem: that was back when they stamped the year on the plate, and because this car was purchased in the late fall of '61 that's what the plate says. People will see 61 in the upper left corner and assume the car is a '61, not a '62.
So, the original plate that give the wrong impression, a clever personalized plate that people may not understand, or a safe personalized plate that communicates clearly?

"When one member rejoices, all the members rejoice with it (them)."
Amen and Amen!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Entomology: study of insects......BUG! Very clever indeed, but you would have driven away before I figured it out :) Then again, you have worked really hard on your VW so maybe it fits that people will have to work a little to figure out the license plate! Judi Newton

Sue said...

Oh, I thought it was Entymology, the study of the origin of words. If I saw that I would've figured you were a geeky English teacher.

Craig MacDonald said...

Except that the study of words is etymology.
Signed, Your geeky homiletics professor.

Anonymous said...

Oh,and your idea about soap scum isn't going to fly at my house. You do get points for originality though! Thank you for being so faithful with your blog. I look forward to your diverse observations. Some very deep, some very funny, and some like soap scum......but all very thoughtful! Judi Newton

Anonymous said...

Many (most) won't get the latter. All will (should) know it's a '62 VW Bug. Why not just '62 or 1962?

steve_macd said...

You know I'm on board with Bug science. If you do "1962" you're as bad as the people who put their own last name on their vanity pla....oh, oops.

Anonymous said...

My personal preference would be the study of Entenmann's baked goods...

Jen said...

I like ENTMLGY! Very clever. = )

You could also go with John, Paul, George, or Ringo.