Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Whenever I have a problem I sing. Then I realize that my voice is a lot worse than my problem.

You're welcome.

Today, while searching for just the right term, I looked up the word plethora. I learned that it's often misused, employed as a synonym for "many" when it really means, "too many." This article cited an example from The Orlando Sentinel that mentioned the "plethora of suicide bombers" and pointed out that one suicide bomber is too many.

The world really is a mess, isn't it. Russia is acting out in all kinds of unacceptable ways, and now seems to have violated a nuclear cruise missile treaty in addition to firing into Ukraine and supplying the rockets that shot down the passenger plane. Is Putin a megalomaniac? The fighting between Hamas and Israel goes on and on and on with no end in sight. Iraq has degenerated into sectarian chaos, never mind the ISIS horrors. And Boko Haram continues to slaughter innocents in the most inhumane ways. The Syrian conflict has all but disappeared from the news scene because of these other crises. It's too bad we can't put the bad guys in a room to kill each other so the regular people, and especially the children, aren't caught in the crossfire.

I spent two hours on the truck again this morning. By 8 a.m. the driveway is fully in the sun and doing anything beyond that point impossible. I have one more grit to go on the bed, which I should get done tomorrow. Then it's the fenders, door, hood, and rear wheel covers - three grits each. Uff-dah.

The head of Toyota's R&D department said electric cars make no sense. "The cruising distance is so short, and the charging time is so long ... at the current level of technology somebody needs to invent a Nobel prize-winning type battery."
The truth. Just don't expect to get elected in California saying things like that.

We didn't worry about deviating from our paleo diet while on vacation. It was too short a time to feel any noticeable effects, except for the three pounds I gained from eating things I don't normally consume (mostly breads). Not getting to the gym daily was certainly also a factor.
Now that we're back home we're also back on the wagon, and I can't say I crave anything we ate while camping.
Except maybe chocolate. Sometimes dinner just feels like it needs to be followed with brownies, or maybe just a plate full of chocolate chip cookies.

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