Sunday, October 19, 2014

"I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." - C.S. Lewis

As I was getting dressed this morning - Sunday attire - I thought about how tricky a matter fashion is for people of a certain age. When you're really old, like in your 80's, nobody expects you to dress fashionably; you get a pass by virtue of your age. At 30 you're supposed to have a keen sense of what's in style and what isn't. But in between....

We've all seen that person in the later stages of mid-life or early stages of seniorism who tries to pull of the young adult hipster look.
Naw, you're only making yourself look silly.
At the same time, as my kids are eager to point out, during that in-between stage you also don't have the freedom to commit fashion faux pas like sox with sandals, or blue jean shorts.

So where is the line for a person of my age? I have never felt the need for trendiness. I am decidedly not a clothes horse and just fine with functional. But on a Sunday when my attire needs to make a positive impression, or at least not get in the way of my efforts at effective communication, there are decisions to make. My standard attire during the hot months - which in Phoenix is most of the year - is dress slacks and a nice golf shirt. In another month or so I'll switch to a dress shirt (sans tie). Simple enough, and generally unaffected by fashion trends.

But even with that basic uniform there are changes over the years. Collar style, colors, pleated or no.... And where on the up-to-date vs. silly are things like dark rimmed glasses? Is it time to put away my gold chain?
I wonder about things like this.

In his sermon today the Pope said, "God is not afraid of new things."
Don't mean to put too fine a point on things, but I'd suggest that a) God isn't afraid of anything, and b) nothing is new to him.

As part of my sermon intro this morning I asked them what their comfort food is.
Aside from the obvious (BACON!) I'd say Swedish rice and cardamon bread.
If you don't know what those are, I'm truly sorry. You have lived a deprived life.
BTW, not everyone can pull of Swedish rice. Trust me on that one.

What's your comfort music?

I'm going to get a lot done this week. Lots of little tasks that need to be checked off the to-do list. Because after church next Sunday I'm leaving on a ROAD TRIP, and my brain is going off-line.

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