Wednesday, January 28, 2015

"The only thing worse than being blind is having sight, but no vision." - Helen Keller

from a friend's Facebook page

Pam read somewhere that stuffing BACON up your nose is an effective way to stop a nose bleed. Apparently the salt in cured bacon affects the blood vessels up there and hastens clotting.
Snorting BACON. Why didn't I think of that?

We have rain in the forecast at 80% for tomorrow night through Saturday. That's something near epic for this place. The predicted 2" will be almost one third of the annual average. OK, it ain't 3' of snow, but it's something.

I spent an hour at MVD getting the Dodge registered. Dante's third circle of hell. The good news: it passed the smog test, something I wasn't sure would happen.

There's not much about Mormonism I can accept, especially their view of how we are justified before God (see Gal. 1:6-9). However, their latest comments re. LGBT rights are spot on, IMO. You probably read the story, but if not you can do so here.

The local news is all about the two big events being held here this weekend, the Phoenix Open (PGA) and the Super Bowl. The rain will put a damper on the former, but the stadium where the Super Bowl will be played is a dome.
Interviews with players, celebrities, and artists, blimps, restaurant reviews for the tourists...
Four week's break and then Spring Training begins. And the traffic that goes with it.

The news coverage of the 70th anniversary of the end of the Holocaust has me thinking I need to watch Schindler's List again. Not because it's enjoyable to watch, but because it's hard.

I sure like the looks of a classic Morgan. I'd like to drive one to see if the go as good as they look. They're British, so probably not.

I told Pam tonight at dinner that I'm feeling the pressure of being behind. My to-do list keeps growing and I'm not making the progress I need to on those items at the top. Pam got her part of the work done so now I have to do my portion of the tax work before sending it off to the guy who prepares our returns.
No, I don't do that myself. I hate numbers, the tax code is inscrutable, and the penalties for getting it wrong more than I want to bear.

So while we watch The Mentalist I'm going to chip away at a few tasks that don't require sharp focus or close attention. So, not the taxes.

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