Sunday, May 24, 2015

"A mother has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child." - Sophia Loren

I thought I would get some responses to last night's T-shirt pic. I don't know if nobody got it, or if it was so obvious that a response seemed silly.

We only had a worship service this morning; no Sunday School hour because of the holiday weekend. This isn't a particularly good photo, but it was taken by Josh with his cell phone from quite a distance away. It captures what was, for the preacher, the highlight of the hour.

The dress Emily is wearing is the one Michelle wore for the same occasion when she was a month old.

She was perfectly behaved the whole time.

After lunch I came home for a 15-minute nap and watched some of the Indy 500 I had recorded. Then I went out and got things ready for tomorrow. Care to guess what I'm going to do?
I hope to get the hood repainted. I'm not happy with the results from the first attempt and I'm sure I can do better. Last week I scuffed it with 320 grit to insure adhesion and filled a small dent I'd missed. I'll also shoot the inside of the tailgate, and hope to do the other side on Tuesday. That part will be tricky for reasons I'll show in pics when I get there.

But before I do any painting I'll put my body to the test. I'll leave here about 7 a.m. and drive into the Crossfit gym where Josh and Aubri work, where I'll do the half-Murph at 8:00. Josh is teaching a 7:00 class and will join me as soon as he's free, but he'll do the full version: 100 pull ups, 200 pushups, and 300 squats, with a mile run before and after. The question: can I do the half in less time than it takes him to do the full? Probably not.

After getting the garage transformed into a paint booth I watched the rest of the Indy 500. Almost. The DVR stopped recording with 8 laps to go.
Sometimes I wonder about the people who work at DirecTV.

Pam's making spare ribs for dinner and then we'll watch some mindless TV until I can't stay awake any longer. That'll be around 8:00 or so.

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