Friday, August 28, 2015

"When I was a boy I was told anybody could become President. I'm beginning to believe it." - Clarence Darrow

We had a big storm system move through late yesterday afternoon. Winds here topped 60 mph and we got somewhere between .5" and 1" of rain in the space of about 2 hours. I don't remember seeing that much rain in the ditches since we moved here.

I guess that was good preparation for what I'll have in Costa Rica next week. Here's a screen shot of the 10-day forecast for San Jose, CR.
Look at the rain totals for each afternoon's thunderstorms!
I've been looking at this chart for a couple of weeks now and it's always the same.
I'm gonna get wet.

Trump proved he doesn't wear a toupee. That's his real hair, which strikes me as unfortunate.

One of my Facebook friends posted a quote from Henry David Thoreau about living in the woods to see what they have to teach. Thoreau was off center in more than one area of life but we understand and identify with his sentiment as we look forward to three acres in the woods west of Eugene. Live in nature as it sits instead of transforming it to look like an idealized environment. That shift in thinking was apparent as I offered the wood of the truck bed dolly to my neighbor. He'll use the 2x4's for various projects around his house and/or burn it in his outdoor fireplace. I told him he could also keep the heavy casters it rolled on since they'd be of no use to me in Oregon. There isn't a square inch of cement slab on the property, and casters don't roll well across the forest floor.
We plan to keep it that way.

I had an email exchange this morning with Alonso, my host in Costa Rica, about some of the details of my trip. In one of his messages he mentioned that they've scheduled two "tours" - excursions.
We're spending the second Thursday at a mountain cabin and overnight Friday at a beach cabin.
Shhh. Pam thinks I'm going to be teaching the whole time.

I understand that the insurance market is very competitive as is evidenced by the amount of money some of them throw at (really annoying) TV ads. Today I got an email from my agent with a preview and analysis of the coming college football season. Huh? Am I more likely to stay with his company because they told me Washington State will suck again this year?

It's 7:40 p.m. and I just dozed off mid-sentence. This isn't good.
A cup of coffee, a couple of cookies, and horizontal sleep.


Anonymous said...

Who cares? How many comments do you get?

Craig MacDonald said...

Who cares about....?
No comments other than yours.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, it was a stupid comment. Forgive me, Pastor.

Craig MacDonald said...

Hey, no worries. And NOT a stupid comment. I just didn't understand which of the topics in the post you were referring to!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! None of them are in the least unworthy of notice. I'm just a bit jealous of those, like you, who have a worthwhile life. Carry on, Pastor!