Friday, March 23, 2018

"Passion is momentary; love is enduring." - John Wooden

From a friend's Facebook page.

Today I finished my third Zane Grey novel. I can see why people get hooked on his books. They're fairly predictable but in the same way BACON is predictable.
And I've learned about that era of history and some of the expressions that were part of their speech. I always thought it was "card shark" but it's actually "card sharp."

It snowed most of the day. Temps rose enough mid-afternoon that it turned to rain but by 4:00 it was back to snow. They say we'll get about 1/2" overnight but it's so wet and sloppy that it won't last long. By Sunday we'll be back in the 50s and into the 60s by mid-week.

Speaking of Sunday, I spent a couple of hours down in Fred working on my sermon for Sunday. Don't tell me it's wrong because I already know that. But I can't help but be concerned about doing a good job so the VIF who suggested they contact me doesn't wish she'd kept quiet.
Also, I don't know much about Quaker theology. Plus, they're not a homogenous group; there are both liberal and conservative wings of that body. That has me concerned about offending people in a congregation I don't know at all.
The first rule of the substitute preacher: do no harm.
I'm preaching 2 Kings 5 and the healing of Naaman. I figure if I preach about salvation (leprosy is a symbol of sin in the Bible and a healing a picture of salvation) and somebody takes offense I don't have to feel guilty. It's God's clearest truth and thus their problem. Besides, it's a cool story.

I *think* I have Sally's choke problem fixed. Yesterday I got some 1/4" ID copper tubing. This afternoon I cut it to the appropriate length and slid it over the choke cable sleeve. Now when I push on the choke knob to open the choke that pressure isn't eaten up by cable flex. The copper tube is stiff enough to prevent that.
I may have to do some stiffening between the knob and the firewall but I think a zip tie to attach the cable to the steering column will stabilize things there.
I'll take her out for a drive tomorrow to check things out. 

Sundae is looking quite prego and she's not due for another six weeks or so. Stella is gaining girth, too. It's going to be a fun summer.

I miss my new New York friends.
The people are the best part.
I did get a call from one of my Pathway peeps today. I sure like that they still think of me as their pastor and feel free to call me when life happens.

Elisha's servant was a guy named Gehazi. I thought of that ne'er-do-well every time I heard a weather person in L.A. give the forecast that invariably called for conditions to be hazy.

Time for another log on the fire. It's cold enough that if we don't keep the stove going MoHo gets uncomfortably cold quite quickly.
Then a cup of coffee, a brownie or two, and then bed.

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