Saturday, March 9, 2019

"With money in your pockets you are wise and you are handsome - and you sing well, too." - Yiddish Proverb

By 8 a.m. I was at U-Haul picking up a hand truck. By 9:30 I had the old stove loaded into the trailer. At 10:30 I was at Levy's where we talked about the Torah and the book of Exodus.
I told him he's going to teach this when he goes back to Kenya so he'd better get it down.
By noon I was at Restore unloading the old range and getting the "new" one into the trailer. I stopped at McDonald's on the way home to get something to eat and called Steve, our older son.

As in 44 years old today. Today is Steve's birthday. I remember his birth, in the wee hours of a Sunday morning. We were in San Clemente, CA where I was the pastor in our first church a crazy congregation of about 20 people all over the age of 60 and most 70+.
How crazy were they? Steve was born about 2 a.m. and after being up all night with a wife in labor I preached and taught the adult class, and cancelled the evening service so I could be with my wife and new son.
I got reprimanded at the next elder meeting. I was expected to be there at all services, including the Sunday evening service that drew eight people on a good week.

Thank God (!) our son faired better than that church which closed the doors six months later after a nasty fight between factions in the church.
Yeah, they were just barely big enough to have factions.

Steve has a wonderful wife, Michelle, and two great kids, Jason (6) and Emily (3, very close to 4). Last January he opened his own commercial real estate appraisal business and it's going like gang busters. You worry about your sons when they leave home and go out on their own. You worry about them years later when they strike out on their own to start a business which is always a risk.
You pray a lot in both situations and give thanks when God answers those prayers.

So you're pleased, thankful, and proud when it goes very well.

I got the new stove home and discovered the wall receptacle and the old stove had a four wire configuration and the new stove a three wire cord. I spent the next hour figuring out how to solve that little issue, and learned that meant installing a new power cord into the new stove to make it a four wire connection. So far MoHo hasn't caught fire.
Walked the dog, fed the goats and the chickens, and collapsed into my chair for dinner and a recorded episode of The Inspector Lindley Series.

It's now 7:00 which is effectively 8:00. Tomorrow in class we'll talk about what they read this week - Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon - and prepare them for the book if Isaiah that they start tomorrow.
I really enjoy that class and the people who attend.
Pam has a luncheon after church so I'll come home, eat a sandwich she'll make for me, and fall asleep in my chair.


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