Thursday, September 5, 2019

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison

Click bait.
A headline on said a woman was pecked to death by a rooster.
OK, I'll admit it sucked me in. I pictured this Hitchcock/Kafka scene with a beautiful woman writhing on the ground, screaming while a crazed rooster pecks at her face and neck until eventually, having lost her eyes to the horror she eventually bleeds to death from a strike to her jugular.
OK, that's partly accurate.
In this case a woman in Australia was 76 and had high blood pressure, varicose veins, and Type 2 diabetes. She was gathering eggs from the hens when the rooster pecked her leg puncturing one of those veins. She bled to death.
I am not 76 and don't have any of those medical issues. But I'm sure not going anywhere near a rooster known to peck while wearing short pants!! Who does that??

I've decided that in addition to learning Portuguese words that come to mind during the course of the day I'll have a "word of the day," or palavra do dia. I sorta cheated with the first one. I was curious what the word for strong is so I used Google Translator to learn it's forte. That's almost too easy.

My parts for Sally are taking the slow route, currently heading toward Hodgkins, IL. I have no idea where that is but it's not as close to Elmira as I want it to be.

Another two-day post. I ran out of steam last night. We were up early and left at 5;30 to get Pam to the airport for her flight to Seattle and then Phoenix. An hour after dropping her off I got an email telling me she left her phone home and asking me to send it to her.
I took it to the UPS store on my way home and paid more than the phone is worth to get it to her by Saturday. I could have done overnight but that would have required a bank loan.

It got up to about 88 this afternoon but the humidity climbed higher. Very muggy! Just as I was finishing up evening chores the wind kicked up and thunder could be heard off in the distance. Nothing here yet, but I'm hopeful. The thunder has Buddy spooked.
Tomorrow will be 10 degrees cooler.

I got both my slides for Sunday's class and for my Thursday night class done but I'm not thrilled with either. So I'll spend time tomorrow and Saturday going over them hoping to improve on what I've got.
All of my preferred players are out of the U.S. Open with Roger Federer eliminated in large part because of back pain. Sort of takes the fun out of the next few days.

I mentioned that I'm doing  a "Word of the Day" to build my Portuguese vocab. Tomorrow I'm going to do four words: father, mother, son, daughter.
I've also been learning the days of the week. Portuguese only has names for Saturday and Sunday (Sabado and Domingo). The rest are by number. Monday is "second day" (Secunda-feira), Tuesday is "third day" (terça-feira), etc. Weird.
We have one word for "welcome" whether it's you coming into our house or a response to "thank you." Swahili is the same - Karibu.
Portuguese is de nada as a response to obrigado and bem vinda when you come to our home.

It's a bit depressing here when Pam is gone. It's not that she talks all the time, or even that we converse a lot. But someone else is here and we can talk anytime we want.
Buddy is a great dog but he's a lousy conversationalist.

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